Wednesday, April 29, 2009

..prodigal bridesmaid dress..

The prodigal bridesmaid dress returns!!
After being backordered..marked "delivered" when it wasn't..scanning my neighbors' porches like a peeping tom..yelling at the USPS automated voice lady about how this is for my brother's wedding, and how they stopped making this particular dress..and finally..
it's here.
(I wish I could wear it every day)

Friday, April 24, 2009

..morning fog..

..Interesting phenomena happening around year 2 1/4 of marriage.. So there's this thing happening inside me, and it's hard to explain so be patient with me. For the first time since I've been married, I find myself in those moments when it's just you..the real you..driving in your car, or putting on makeup, or walking through your favorite store..and you're suddenly aware of how much you feel like yourself. The self you've known your whole life..not necessarily the "newly ~ anything" self you'd become accustomed to. I find myself thinking thoughts that include dreams I had for myself pre ~ wedding..pre ~ engagement it's not the only marker on my timeline anymore. It feels good. It feels free. The way I love to feel..and the only way to feel this way when you're in love must be after the morning fog burns off. I don't love my gorgeous husband any less than the day we said "I do", in fact we've grown to love each other so much more. There seems to have come a level of intimacy..a level of knowing each other..a level of comfort that warms my soul. As much as I used to think I loved change, I find I'm happiest..most full of joie de vivre in the comfort of stability..and I feel stable. Are we imperfect? Yes. Can either of us still deeply hurt the other? Bien sur. But my nerves aren't on edge waiting to be hurt anymore. The sense of dread that comes with new vulnerability has quietly become a lovely sense of warmth..the way baby birds must feel cozied up in their nest. I love my gorgeous husband..and he loves me.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

..happy day..

I'm so excited..I just ordered this fabric (which I love)

and in 1 ~ 2 weeks they will be beautiful drapes for our home..yay!!

(one step at a time)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

..i heart genevieve..

"Design has a funny way of bringing people all together, because when the landscape changes, moods change, energy changes..and once things start becoming beautiful, I think people start acting more beautiful."

~ Genevieve Gorder

I also heart these things (which I want to put in our home)..
(above fridge)
(maybe bedroom, maybe by the fire..opposite "his")

(no idea where..I just love it)

..late date..

last night I went to bed at 2 a.m.
(which hasn't happend in a long time)
started at 10:20 p.m. with my gorgeous husband wanting "cookies & tea"
(not just any.."no, I want your cookies")
a quick trip to the store, a broken glass & a couple hours in my adorable hand made apron (which I love)
& voila
by midnight we were currled up with our cookies & tea watching the intoxicating Casablanca
(which I have still never seen all the way through..including last night)