Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was so excited to be picked as one of my dear friend Christiana's Friday Favorites on her amazingly popular blog.

(She deserves to be popular by the way.)

..Thanks, Christi for making my blog look pretty again..

Friday Favorites - Jillian Charles
*Jillian effortlessly charms the world
over here at Joie de Vivre.

Grab a chai latte,

curl up with a kitten,

and go experience her peaceful presence.

This is Jillian Charles.

Oh my gracious I love this girl. One day, a long time ago when I was still a very young single girl living in Southern California, I went to an engagement party in Laguna Beach. I didn't know very many people at the party - I had just graduated from high school and had recently started going to a new church, the first church I'd ever picked for myself. The young couple celebrating their engagement were part of the college group I had just begun to attend. At this engagement party, there was a gorgeous blonde knockout - a perfect blend of charm and elegance and confidence, and a sly bit of sass - and wouldn't you know it, we happened to have on the exact same bracelet. In casual conversation with a couple new, mutual friends, someone (I don't remember who now) pointed out this serendipitous alignment of the stars and our styles - and I brazenly said (I do remember this),

We should be friends.

[She said ok.]

And the rest is beautiful history.

Me: How long have we been friends?
Jillian: 9 lovely years.. (and eagerly awaiting our "Red Velvet" anniversary!!!)
Me: Where would you like to escape to right now if you could, if money were no object?
Jillian: Monaco. (I love this question.) The French Riviera's most enchanting spot..and I dreamed of it all day (thanks to you)!!
Me: What are a few things you love most about your husband [I won't make you pick just one or even three]?
Jillian: Ooh lala I love him. What to say? I love his dimples, long sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, (naturally) tan skin (and that light blonde spot in his facial scruf)..I love that his feet are always warm..I love that flat spot on his arms next to his elbows..I love that he's so affirming..I love that he loves to cook..I love our life together..he loves me perfectly. Always has. I love his fierce protectiveness & God-given wisdom..I love that he's a conversationalist..I love that he's so into fashion he has triple the wardrobe I have..I love that he has a vintage 1920's red satin robe just for smoking his pipe on the patio by the glow of twinkle lights..he's such a grandpa. Such a sexy 28 year old grandpa..and he's all mine.
(I'll stop now).
Me: What do you love doing so much, you wish you could do it for a living? Jillian: Finding amazing cafes.
Me: What is one dream you hope to accomplish in 2009?
Jillian: Creating a better sense of "home" for my gorgeous husband & I.
(A close second would be owning my first pair of Christian Louboutin shoes)..
Me: What do you think is one of your gifts to the world?
Jillian: Not singing.
Me: How would you describe your style [fashion and home decor, please]?Jillian:
Home ~ I like my closet to feel like a boutique..my bathroom to feel like a vintage apothecary..my dining/kitchen a french cafe..and everything light & open with dark 1930's accents. In a word: enchanting.
Fashion ~ A very cherished friend of mine (wink) once told me I looked like "a model on her day off," and I've been smitten with that description ever since. Always feminine..(mostly) comfortable..experimental..sexy but never contrived..very self~expressive. Still feel the most beautiful in: jeans & a white tank top.
Me: Name 3 women who inspire you, and why.
Christiana Rush ~ because she is her husband's biggest cheerleader..because she made a new home very far from her old one..because she lets her beauty show.
My Mother ~ because she is very much herself, always..because she invests everything in love & her life is filled with the fruit of that..because she creates "home" like no one else..and because she always longs for God.
My future sister Gina ~ because she loves women the way God does..protecting, freeing, celebrating them through her daily life & through her work with http://www.isanctuary.org/
Me: Where is your favorite place [that you've actually been]?
Jillian: L'Auberge in Carmel~by~the~Sea..I dream of it daily.
Me: What is a dirty chai? ;)
Jillian: Pure love..in a cup. Chai Latte with a shot of espresso. Unless you're feeling extra dirty, then 2 shots of espresso!!
Me: When are you moving to Franklin to be close to me?
Jillian: When God puts Franklin in California? Oh my heart is divided.
Me: What is one word with which you would like people to describe you - and why?
Jillian: Radiant. ..no reason ;)
And she is positively radiant, isn't she?

[Now go wander awhile through her blog.]

H A P P Y F R I D A Y.

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