some friendships are a life long constant thru blessing & trial . they enrich our lives . they are our chosen family..some friendships have a season or chapter in our lives . you can't help seeing their face in all your memories of those days, months, years and then life moves on and separates you..then there are other friendships in particular that I don't understand at all . they are of the flash~in~the~pan variety . in the beginning it is perfection . shared encouragement in the Lord . fun similarities make it seem so effortless . then out of nowhere it's gone . only then do you make the association between their friendship & the maffia . leaving you feeling drained of life rather than full . I am not looking for a second marriage or a second job . harsh I know, but feeling the need to protect my little life after giving too much & having it not be enough..the end
I'm so sorry you've been hurt, love. Who do I need to beat up...?
aww my protector..thank you <3
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