I want
to be a domestic fairy..I want to bake coconut cupcakes & sprinkle them atop a 3 ~ tiered vintage cake stand..I want colorful kitchen towels and a white kitchen aid mixer for my counter..I want a child to cherish & raise..I want a puppy to curl up with me on the sofa
& smile at me while I stroke her for hours..I want red lipstick..I want to be putting the finishing touches on my home instead of crawling through the beginning..I want to be at the 1 year mark for my job and our new dwelling..I want my blonde hair to always look poofy & perfect without ever fixing it..I want those little poochy parts on my body to disappear..I want to be happy & celebrate everyday of this beau
tiful life..I want to be kind and grateful and never ever greedy..I want to feel more fulfilled..I want to feel less lonely..I want to go to church with my family on Easter & have a very blessed day (maybe wearing a flowy dress & a flower in my hair)..