I have this inexplicable fascination with "surprising" my gorgeous husband with things I think he should be excited about, even though I already know he'd much rather discuss them first. It started as soon as I became a wife...I wonder what that means..
So I decided to get bangs again. Which I didn't let my gorgeous husband know until after the fact (even though I know he hates them). Act of passive aggressiveness? Defiant spunkiness?? No..just not used to someone else caring yet. Truth be told, they're not as "genious" as they were last time. Although they do still bring out my artsy french side (which happens to actually be my favorite side...and which I will fully enjoy until they're too long to wear straight down). But before you feel too sad for me..my gorgeous husband loves everything about me except for my current hairstyle (and maybe my tendency to "surprise" him)..so I'm a happy girl.

I'm slightly less happy about the paint decision for our loft (which I would call our cute~loft except it isn't). The 2 colors in question were veto-ed..which meant I decided to be a good wife and stop torturing my gorgeous husband with further paint sampling (at last count there were 11 colors on the wall). So I sit here typing today with every muscle in body fatigued from painting our loft the original agreed upon (paint already purchased) color of "Witch Hazel". Sort of close to the grayish olivey green color in my head, but not quite. I was optimistic about it until this morning when I saw the color of perfect. It's in the background of this picture on our wedding day..also I realized it's the same color at 2 other of my favorite spots on the planet..ZincCafe in Laguna Beach, and L'Auberge Carmel. It makes me instantly happy..and instantly feel beautiful.

(I promise it won't be a surprise).
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